Sunday, July 3, 2011

Term 3 Week 1 Assignment

In my opinion, maids should not be given a rest day in Singapore as the situation and environment here is simply not suitable to do so. Some people say things like maids should be acknowledged as humans, not properties and we treat them like slaves etc….how wrong they are. In our civilised first world country with the population being so well educated both academically and morally with the lowest crime rate and a strong charity fund, it is clear that many of us have a morally upright character here and seldom will one find an employer mistreating a maid making her work so much that the maid is overly fatigue. Instead it is common to find maids happy working here with a good salary and such excellent working conditions here that makes Singapore one of the most popular places to work in the world, with firm laws that prevent abuse to them. And with all these measures and environment in place are maids treated so stressful that they need a break? Are they treated so miserably that they feel that they are treated like slaves so much that a third party who does not even know about their feelings and most importantly ours have the rights to make such a bold claim?

No, that is my answer why should maids be given a day leave when all they are doing are simple household chores and looking after the employers’ needs? Furthermore with the stressful environment here, which employer will want to give a maid a day leave when it will simply add to their worries? Thoughts like this will pop up: what if my maid has bad company and steals when I am not around during her free time? What if she is influence by outsiders to go against the law which will implicate me? What should I do when there is no one at home to look after my baby? Who will look after my aged parents when I am busy at work? This will simply add to our worries and increase our already high stress level. Many Singaporeans do not like this idea hence creating the online buzz and many employers around the world detest the idea so much that they are willing to ‘bribe’ the maid by giving her extra money so that she will stay at home on the free day. Furthermore to the worry that without these conditions that we may find it costlier to hire maids in the future as supply of maids to Singapore decreases, this is very wrong as the main reason why maids come here to work is due to the good salary here with the Singapore dollar so strong which will allow them to live a better live back home instead of these conditions.

I agree that everyone has human rights but only to a certain extant and by giving them a one day leave a week is simply crossing the line. Many people especially youths who are immature in my opinion who simply do not know the consequences behind this movement. This can be easily supported by our top class government disapproval to the idea. In my opinion, maids can be given some free time in a day like a few hours whereby not only can they have a good break which will solve this problem, this will also ensure that they do not get lead astray at the same time relieving the employers’ worries. This in my opinion is a win- win solution instead of that myopic person who came out with this idea that maids should be given a one day leave a week without thinking about the negative consequences that might harm our society.

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