Saturday, August 13, 2011


I feel that Shakespeare is biased against the Jews and this can be seen from how he described shylock in the play whereby he was described as a cruel and heartless person in the book unlike the christian characters like Portia etc. In the Merchant of Venice, Shylock was often discriminated by Antonio whereby he would usually spit on Shylock and hurl nasty insults at him. This clearly shows how Antonio, a Christian, looks down on Shylock, who is a Jew. Also Shakespeare gave him a pitiful life story whereby not only he was terribly punished in the end but he lost his daughter, servant and wealth. This shows how terrible a fate and person shylock is as the way Shakespeare wanted to picture it and shows how Jews were treated at that point of time. In conclusion, I feel that it is through these events that Shakespeare reveals the Anti-Semitism theme to the audience.

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