Friday, January 21, 2011

Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love REFLECTION

In my opinion, this song means that racism is bad and to the fight against this. It talks about how youngsters are getting involved in gangs, influenced easily by bad stuff and getting themselves in a lot of trouble. This also tells us how horrible this world is with suffering and death everywhere with people getting killed form these and hurt from things such as war in Iraq. We need to fix our situation. we cant be going to war as it says in the song "if you practice what you preach then you turn the other cheek" this is not only referring to war but other issues that take place in Singapore whether it be racism etc. In conclusion, this song is
In this passage, the part that have the strongest effect from me is
"calling out all of the hatred and to call in the love today.
Can practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek?"

This part of the song is so real in these days that we are so stressed in our lives and easily get angry over trivial matters and this anger accumulates to become hatred. Also we Singaporeans are normally shy and do not express their love to those around us and we often do not practise what we preach by scolding others on their mistakes but not reflecting on one selves before doing so.

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