Monday, February 7, 2011


After a long journey from pallet town Ash arrives in Sunyshore Island, Ash was determined and he was sweating profusely and his eyes were burning with fury. He wanted to get back at Volker for injuring his Pikachu. Wanting to battle Volker Ash rushed to the gym, but the gym wouldn't let him enter. After getting fed up with Ash's persistent knocking, the high-tech gym forcefully escorts him of the gym premises. Knowing that Ash will not let it go easily, Volker went out of the gym and offers Ash a Gym badge instead of a battle, which meant Ash did not have to battle him to get the badge. Dawn suggests Ash should just take a badge, but Ash believes that winning them with effort is what makes badges significant, with Brock agreeing with Ash. Ash's determination sets in and prepare to defeat him
Ash s seen as a very determined boy by judging how he braves the long journey from pallet town Sunyshore Island without complaining. He is very determined to take revenge and kept knocking the gym door despite the guards ignoring him. He is also a guy with pride as he did not want to be seen as a coward who takes a gym badge without a proper fight.

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